Gfrag® NMN Anti-Ageing (30 Caps)


Gfrag® NMN Anti-ageing Key Benefits:

  • Anti-ageing & longevity
  • Mitochondrial function & energy support
  • NAD+ production & cognitive function
  • Boosted energy levels
  • Improves feeling of wellness
  • Improves blood flow in skeletal muscle
  • Improves bone density, eye function and liver health
  • Reduction in age-related weight gain
  • Improves insulin activity and production and glucose tolerance
  • Improves muscle strength & endurance

NMN is able to supply your cells with an extra boost of energy needed to complete important functions within your body as it acts as a source of reliable energy at a cellular level. NMN acts as a facilitator in the creation of NAD – a coenzyme responsible for nutrient metabolism and functioning.

NAD levels naturally decline as we age, and with this comes the possibility of age-related diseases. By supplementing with MN, you may be able to slow the ageing process and live a better quality of life with more drive and energy.

NMN is a highly bioavailable nucleotide that occurs naturally in our body and acts as a precursor to cellular NAD+ production. The body’s supply of NAD+ is finite and without NMN, you cannot produce sufficient NAD+.

NAD+ levels naturally decline with age, slawing down the speed and accuracy of DNA repair, and impairing energy utilisation capabilities at a cellular level. By boosting your NAD+ levels, our Charava NMN can help combat these age-related symptoms, promoting healthy ageing and longevity.

Natural NMN is present in various food sources such as fruits, vegetables, and raw beef. Including the following: Broccoli, Cabbage, Edamame, Cucumber, Avocado, Tomato.

Although NMN naturally occurs in many food sources, a study found that you would need to consume 69 kg of avocado, 100 kg of broccoli or 416 kg of beef just to obtain 250 mg of NMN daily.

Why should I use an NMN supplement?

To get 250mg of NMN – considered enough (depending on your age) to raise NAD+ – you need to eat unrealistic quantities of food. So, although increasing these foods in your diet will help, laking a high-quality NMN supplement is one of the most effective ways to raise the leveis of NAD+ in your body.

Benefits on NMN:

Anti-Ageing: NMN may easily boosts NAD+ levels, promote healthy aging by repair damaged DNA.

Increases Energy: NMN may increase cell vitality, relieve fatigue, and make your day full of energy.

Supports Cognitive Function: NMN may helps to enhance brain function, promote metabolism, and get better sleep.

Longevity: Sirtuin Activating Compound will encourage SIRTUINS, the body’s longevity-genes to promote healthy aging to make sure you look good and feel good.

Can be used with all our Gfrag products. Great Combo’s:

  • NMN + Gfrag Collagen
  • NMN + Female Health
  • NMN + Male Health
  • Also great for athletes

Warning: Pregnant or nursing mothers & individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician priar to using this product, especially people who have any suspected or known medical condition.

Do not exceed recommended daily intake.

Use At Own Risk.


  • Take 1-2 capsules daily
  • To be taken on full stomach