Gfrag® |Hangover/Babbelas Recovery Remedy (60 Caps)


Girag® Hangover / Babbelas Remedy absorbs alcohol and by this helping a person to not wake up with a terrible hangover.

We recommend using Gfrag® Liverite with Gfrag® Hangover / Babbelas Remedy as this will help remove toxins and recover faster from a hangover.

One of the Ingredients helps to prevent heart attacks which makes it an awesome product for anyone and everyone, another product with more than one function, such as Gfrag® Migraine Support, which will also help with a headache.

Gfrag® Hangover / Babbelas Remedy can be used with any other Gfrag® Products.

Warning: Not for children, Teenagers, Pregnant or nursing mothers. Do not use with ather sleeping aids. Bipolar and people with depression kindly consult with your doctor before using this supplement.

Do not exceed recommended dally intake.


  • Take 4 capsules on a empty stomach before a drinking spree
  • 2 capsules after a drinking spree
  • 2 capsules upon wakening