Gfrag® | Gout (120 Caps)


Gfrag® Gout will lower the PH of one’s body and will also help with pain relief but if somebody doesn’t adhere to the gout rules which is easy on the red meat and alcohol, well….

So for a severe gout sufferer above mentioned dosage is what they shou take daily in the event of a gout flare-up then use 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals.

It will also help people with Arthritis. Add Gfrag® Collagen for clients with any joint related problems and pain, 2 scoops per day.

Warning: Pregnant or nursing mothers & individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician prior to using this product, especially people who have any suspected or known medical condition. Do not exceed recommended daily intake.

May lower blood pressure. Use at own risk.


  • Drink 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the evening, after meals.