Gfrag® | Cortisol Support (60caps)


What are the benefits of Grag® Cortisol Support?

  • Promotes Healthy Cortisol Levels.
  • Supports Healthy Adrenal Function.
  • Reduces Stress Levels.
  • Hormonal Belly Fat.
  • Relieves Fatigue.
  • Low Libido.
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Balances High or low cortisol

Use for 5 executive days, 2 Days off if you drink 3 Capsules a day.

Our Nutraceutical range can be used in conjunction with ail Gfrage Products & Slimming Injections.


  • Take 1 capsule with food at breakfast.
  • Take 2 capsules with food lunch time.
  • If you are a first time user start with 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule at lunch on a full stomach.

WARNING: pregnant or nursing mothers & individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician prior to using this product, especially people who have any suspected or known medical condition.

Do not exceed recommended daily intake.

Use at own risk.

Die pers pil waaroor almal van praat


Dis ons hoof stres hormoon wat verantwoordelik is vir daai veg of vlug reaksie tydens n stresvolle gebeurtenis.

Wanneer jou Cortisol vlakke te hoog is sukkel mens om te slaap, jou geheue verswak( daai brainfog gevoel) , jou bloedsuiker is onstabiel, jy voel angstig, jou bloeddruk styg en jy ontwikkel middel vet maak nie saak hoe hard jy oefen nie.

Dis nie ‘n antidepresant nie maar wel n natuurlike manier om jou stresvlakke te beheer en daai “feel good” gevoel terug te kry.

🌷Cortisol Support:

Cortisol support het baie voordele :

* Verminder angstigheid en stres

* Help vir slaaploosheid

* Reguleer bloedsuikervlakke

* Help vir fibromyalgia

* Verbeter energie vlakke

* Verbeter libido

* Help met maagvet.

* Hot flashes

* En vele meer!!