Gfrag® | Collagen – with Vitamin C (250g)



Improve Circulation: Collagen is known to strengthen blood vessels and improve their elasticity. It does this by fortifying the blood vessels to improve their circulation throughout your body.

Promotes Healing: Collagen is required by the body to mend an rebuild connective tissue damage which helps maintain healthy muscles, skin and joints. It strengthens the structure of bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments.

Relieves Joint Inflammation: inflammation in the joints caused poor mobility and severe pain for some people. Collagen is known to increase joint mobility and reduce pain while also encouraging cell growth.

Improves Hair Quality: collagen is a significant component in hair growth due to its ability to fight the free radicals that can degrade your hair texture, growth and thickness. Replacing collagen can improve the overall health and appearance of your hair.

Reduces Appearance of Cellulite: collagen works from the inside of your body to reduce Cellulite by rebuilding and repairing the fibers that cause Cellulite to appear.

Reduces Wrinkles: wrinkles and skin imperfections benefit greatly from collagen. It encourages your skin to become soft, supple and more elastic, which decreases the prevalence of wrinkles and blemishes.

Treat Leaky Gut Syndrome: collagen helps to settle your gut lining, healing damaged cell walls and infusing them with restorative amino acids. The signficant digestive benefits of consuming collagen is that it helps form connective tissue and they fall “heals and seals” the fragile linning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Weight Management: research has shown that collagen protein peptides are even more satiating then other protein types. Critical trials have found collagen to be 40% more times filling than the same quantity of wheat, casein or soy. Individuals consumed 10% less on their next meal after the consumption of collagen then those individuals that consumed other types of protein.


  • An even better question would be who shouldn’t use collagen supplements? The answer is no one.
  • If you suffer from joint pain i.e. rheumatoid arthritis, or osteoporosis or another autoimmune disorder.
  • if you are an athlete, supplementing with collagen can help with recovery as well as joint inflammation etc.
  • Collagen can help individuals with temporary inflammation, lack wounds and ligament and muscle damage to heal foster.
  • Collagen is helpful to anyone with inflammatory conditions such as eczema or acne [it also fades acne scars].
  • If you are aging, collagen can help prevent wrinkles, plump lips and tightens skin.
  • if you want to lose weight, collagen can help boost your metabolism, and get rid of Cellulite.
  • if you have some hair and weak nails, college and can assist hair growth, as well as thicker fuller and foster growth.
  • If you have hormonal imbalances, like PCOS, emerging research shows that collagen can help support natural hormonal production.
  • Collagen also benefits children through the growth phase of life by supporting connective tissue [ligaments, tendons, cartledge, bones].
  • ‘Hou alles bymekaar’ in die liggaam.
  • Die voordele van kollageen:
  • Sterker, dikker hare en naels
  • Help met groei van hare
  • Verbeter jou vel
  • Gesonde gewrigte
  • Verbeter artritis (nogal dramaties!)
  • Versterk are
  • Ondersteun beskadigde organe
  • Help met sirkulasie
  • Help vir die gesondheid van die ingewande – herstel die spysverteringskanaal
  • Help met verligting van osteoarthritis en kan moontlik die proses vertraag
  • Help met outo-immuun siektes
  • Help met ekseem
  • Help met “cravings
  • Help met selluliet

Dosis en gebruiksaanwysings: een tot twee skeppies per dag.

Gfrag ® SA Collegeen is :

” Hydrolized Peptan” met ekstra Vit C vir absorbsie(anders is dit nutteloos)

Sulfaat en gluten vry.

Tipe 1 en 3.