Gfrag® | Cellulite Release (90 Caps)


Highly effective in helping reduce and eradicate cellulite. The Gfrag® Cellulite Release pill contains a super string compounds which provides your body with a powerful dose of healthy nutrients, herbs and natural extracts. This compound works in synergy with your body, targeting all the main tel-tale areas and reducing cellulite on your bottom, thighs and stomach.

Girag® Cellulite Release works by preventing herniating of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue leading to orange peel like appearance. the herbs and extracts used in this product are proven to reduce cellulite. The treatment will show effects until a time which they are no longer administered.

Beneifts of Girag® Cellulite Release:

  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Reduces Varocise Veins
  • Visibly Reduces Celluite
  • Breaks down fat cells beneath the skin

For significant results, use with GFrag Lymphier and GFrag Collagen.

SUGGESTED USE: Drink 1 Capsules, three times daily, with meals.