Gfrag® | Blood Pressure (60 Caps)


Must be used with prescribed blood pressure medicine, blood pressure has to be monitored, you may at own risk when blood pressure is stable when yourself of your blood pressure meds and only use this but you still have to monitor your bp.

Can be used with any of our products.

Maak seker julle verduidelik vir kliente mooi, dit moet saam met bloeddruk medisyne vir ‘n ruk gebruik word, dan kan hulle eers hulle begin wheen van bloeddruk pille af – nie bloedverdunners nie – dis so 4 na 6 weke proses om af te wheen, en dan MOET hulle hulleself monitor met ‘n bloeddruk masjien.

Hoe bloeddruk is geneties, dit is stress verwant, rook speel ‘n rol, alkohol speel ‘n rol, wat jy eet speel ‘n rol.

Cortsiol Support en/of Cardio Health en Circulation en Cholestrol mits nodig is ‘n goeie kombinasie met die. Kliente moet bloedruk wat hulle monitor neersryf dat hulle kan sien.

Die is baie goed vir kliente met hoe ‘bloeddruk wat nie wil val nie.


  • Take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the evening

WARNING: Pregnant or nursing mothers & individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician prior to using this product, especially people who have any suspected or known medical condition. Do not exceed recommended daily intake.

Use At Own Risk.